Friday, June 13, 2008

Surviving the Flood

Where's the ark?!?

Despite some news reports to the contrary, we're not all under water up here :) The Des Moines news is making it sound like all of Cedar Rapids is submerged, but most of us are ok.

Downtown is underwater, for sure. Our office building is in the thick of it - we may not get into our offices for another week. Luckily, I can work from home, but Jon and his colleagues are out of luck.

The city has decreed a water-only-for-drinking rule, so I went out this morning and bought a lot of bottled water, some new baby bottles (which I was planning to do anyway) so that I don't have to wash the old ones, and some junk food (lol). We're hunkered down and riding out the storm.

Unfortunately, one of my coworkers lost her house and all of her belongings. Her family and pets are all safe, thank god. It's just so scary to think about losing everything - I feel really badly for her. I wish I could do more.

Anyway - don't worry about us, we'll be fine. We're on a hill and the water's not going to come this far. The river's supposed to crest this afternoon (around 31.8 feet!) and then hopefully it will subside. We're making do, as only Iowans can!


Samantha said...

Stay safe!!

eemg22477 said...

Holy smokies! What a picture! Glad you are staying dry. Wish I was going to be around when you guys came to town. Hey, maybe on my way back from Pa we can meet somewhere for dinner or something. I'll call when i get back in the state. Should be around July 18 or 19th.