Saturday, June 7, 2008

Ian's 6 month pictures!

Ian had his 6 month pictures taken today at Sears. He's 24 weeks on Monday, but not "officially" 6 months old until the 17th. It's so hard to believe that he's 6 months old already!

He was a doll at the portrait studio, as usual. The girls there love him to pieces. He always loves attention from the ladies.
Here's his pics!

In the past, he's slept in his papasan seat inside the crib. Unfortunately, he's starting to outgrow that. We've been dreading trying to lay him down without it, because if you try, he cries and cries. Daddy has a harder time with the crying than I do, surprisingly.

But last night, Ian went to bed like a champ! We were waiting for the weekend in case he kept us up all night. He cried for the first 5 minutes, and then we went in there and soothed him. Daddy had the good idea to try the sleep positioner that I bought months ago; it worked like a charm! He fell asleep and stayed asleep all night. He didn't wake up until 7 am!

We're hoping that he'll transition easily to sleeping flat. So far, so good!


Samantha said...

I love the new pictures and WOOHOO for sleeping through the night!!

eemg22477 said...

The pictures are great! He is such a handsome lil guy! I love the one of his big grin when he's wearing the hawkeye shirt the best! I need to get up that way and take some summer pics of you guys! (Of course that means the rain has to stop for more than 5 minutes.)

Unknown said...

Very adorable pictures! He is absolutely precious!