Friday, February 27, 2009

February 2009 Pictures

Hello all!

I'm sorry about not writing more lately. Ian has been growing like a weed but not doing too much that is exciting :)

Here is my most recent batch of scrapbooking pages. I couldn't post it earlier because I was giving a set to Mom for her birthday, and I didn't want to spoil the surprise!

I think they came out pretty well.

Also here are the pictures from last weekend. We went to Davenport and had lunch at the Machine Shed restaurant (yum!) and then we went to the Vander Veer Nature Conservatory. I love it there - they have a greenhouse with flowers year-round. It was Ian's first visit, and he ran around like a crazy person. He really liked it!

Then he fell in a mud puddle and, for some strange reason, Uncle Jeff wouldn't pick him up after that. Bwuh? I wonder what's up with that, Uncle Jeff!

We have been having a bit of a time with our day care provider. She has done a good job, but it's too far out of my way to take Ian there and drop him off at 7:30, and make it to work by 8. So I've been looking for someone else. We had a great recommendation for a gal named Sue, but she doesn't have any openings until May (aww!)

Yesterday, I met a very nice lady named April, and her husband Luke. They live on Bever Avenue. It would be pretty darn convenient for me to drop Ian off there on my way to work - it would save me at least 15 minutes of my commute (such as it is). I liked them and Ian seemed to get along well with their 2 1/2 year old son, so they are a real possibility. Jon and I will make a decision this weekend.

Not much else is going on for the Spains :) Waiting patiently for spring!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

In Which I Has a Girlfriend

What's up my peoples?

Check me out .. I is so smart, that now I can say lots of stuff! I can say "Kitty" and "Tigger" and "Bye" and "Banana" .. although that last one, it sounds more like "gurgle flitz." Ha ha! No, I'm just kiddin' y'all. It sounds like "Busshsh...Na Na." But I is definitely saying "Banana!" Don't tell Nana that I can say her name cuz it's not true. But I will learn to say it soon!

I has a new girlfriend, y'all:

It's Britney!

She's so pretty. I like me some Britney. Every time her song comes on the telly, I gotta stop and check her out.

Anyways, what else. Oh last week, Mama made me laugh so hard, I had milk comin' out of my nose. That wasn't cool, y'all.

Mama submitted my picture to the Most Beautiful Baby 2009 contest on Regis & Kelly. But you know what - they were s'posed to put my picture on their website thingy and they haven't done it! I dunno if they will. I'm so cute, I don't know why they don't. I'll have to go sling a dirty didie at 'em or somethin'. Rude!

Yesterday at day care that mean little boy Colin, I took his toy and he pushed me, y'all! What's up with that, yo? I wanted his toy so's I took it but he no should push me. Anyways, I hit my head a lil' bit and cried lots. Poor me! So's I have some scratches today:

But I is ok. I'm gonna sling a dirty didie at Colin tomorrow tho'.

My favorite toys right now are my Elmo Chair:

and my Tigger:

Tigger goes with me everywhere. He's so awesome! I loves my Tigger.

So like I gotta go and stuff. But I leave you with this thought-provoking discourse on the nature of male children:

Until later peeps! Holla!

Friday, January 23, 2009

What up home slices?

Oh hai! How you doin'?!? It is I, Ian of the Spains.

Yo yo, check it. I have spoken and it was good. Yester- yest - the day before this one, yo, I said my first word that wasn't all lame like mama or dada. I said "Kitteh!" Yea, that's right, my peoples. I's a badbutt.

Anyways, Mama was all excited about that and she kept tryin' to get me to say it again but y'all know I wouldn't. 'Course not! I never do what Mama and Dad say. I is a baby! Holla!

So here is my pictures from Christmas. I am so stinkin' cute!

Last Caturday, my Aunt Emily came up and she took lots of pictures of me (of courses! 'Cuz I the cutest!). That was lots of fun. Yay!

I'm not so sure about the monkey suit, y'all, but I know I is cute. 'Course I'm a boy and so I has bruises and stuff but Mommy's gonna fix all that in her cool computer program thingy before she puts mah awesomeness on the wall.

Thanks Aunt Emily!

Monday, January 5, 2009

I suck

Yes, yes, I know - I suck. I have procrastinated for far too long in updating this blog. I am evil, and I must be destroyed.

Ian had a phenomenal 1st birthday! We went to the Machine Shed restaurant in Davenport and had a Spain family dinner. Mom got Ian a Spider-Man cake with BLACK ICING (coughthanksMomcough), so needless to say, Ian got very messy. Ian got to climb on the tractors and farm animals outside the restaurant.

Behold! The pictures:

Christmas pics coming soon!