Tuesday, July 8, 2008

What's up my peoples?

Whassup mah homies?!?

Yo yo! Hope you be' havin' a totally diggin' fourth of July!

I been workin' on my rappin' yo - check me out:

I gots milk in mah belly

Baby Einstein on the telly

An' my tushie be gettin' squooshy

An' it gettin' kinda smelly


Ha ha! I'm hilar- hila- funny! Ok, so I'm workin' on it still, yo. Gimme a break, I is just a little guy! I don't have lots of stuff to rap about yet.

So Moms has been trying to feed me lots of stuff. I likes zucchinis and apricots, and I don't really likes the sweet potatos or the peaches. I'm jus' like my Daddy! Moms made me some melon and squash this week - I thinks I will like the melon but the squash sounds gross.

Last weekend I went up to see Grandpa and Nana and my cousins Amber and Sydney. Girls! I likes them. I not so sure about the kiddie pool though - that water be cold, yo! Maybe in a coupla months or somethin'

Anyways, I'm seven months old now, I is a big boy! Moms says I'll be crawling any day now - I's not sure what that means but it sounds like fun. Moms says that Daddy has to "babyproof" the house, whatever that is.

Here's some super cute pictures of my favorite person - ME! Blow up mah cellie and holla!

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