So Moms took me to the doctor and he said that I had to start eating real food. I dunno what he's talkin' about, yo, cuz I drink real food all the time. Daddy says he drinks his lunch too, I dunno what that means. So Moms tried the cereal and that was hella bleh - oops, I mean hecka bleh. I didn't like it at ALL, yo.
So then Moms tried some green stuff and some pink stuff and some orange stuff. It was all like, gross. See, here:

Do not want, yo!!
And here's the fruity stuff she tried to make me eat:

That was all sorts of bleh. Mommy said she's tired of wearing my dinner. Well, ya know, if she didn't try to make me eat it, she wouldn't wind up wearin' it! Jeez! Moms is dumb.
So I'm talkin' all the time now but I won't say the stupid stuff that they want me to say, like "Mama" and "Dada" and whatever. I say what I wanna say! Like "aydah" which they don't know what it means but it means "You guys are dumb." Also it can mean "Bring me my milk, minion!" but it depends on the inflection, yo.
Anyways, Mommy said she's going to post some video soon of me eating something called a-vo-ca-dos (or NOT eating it, ha ha I rule!) but she's having trouble getting it right (cuz she's dumb). So there be video soon. You should be comin' back to check and see what's new with me all the time anyway, yo.
I is cute! Holla!
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