What a weekend!
My first Mother's Day ever was ... interesting ... It began on Friday when I picked Ian up at day care. Abby, our day care lady, had the kids make cute little flower bouquets for their mommies, complete with handprints. So sweet!
When I got home, I took Ian's picture with it:

Then, I was distracted and turned away for a second. The following ensued:

(Ian would like to interject at this point that "Momz is all wiggin' 'bout the flowers, yo. She so crazy.")
Then on Saturday, Ian woke up very cranky. He was coughing and snotting all over the place. By Sunday, he was miserable. He couldn't keep anything down. When he woke up, I got 5 oz into him. Then I got 5 oz over ME when he puked it all up. I then got another couple of oz into him, only to wind up wearing that as well (after my shower, of course - before my shower would be too easy!) Mmm, baby puke is so warm and runny.
We hemmed and hawed and looked in horror at the rectal thermometer, and tried to take his temperature underneath his arm and call it good. Then we called the pediatrician and they laughed at the n00b parents. They said, "No, seriously - rectal." We cringed and cried and finally did it. 101.4. Erm, yay.
I then spent a couple of hours of my Mother's Day in the waiting room of the Emergency Care clinic, trying desperately to appease a sick baby who wanted to eat and didn't understand what "no, you'll puke on me" meant.
The doctor (when we finally got in to see her) said that he has a sinus infection. Which is great - it means it's not something more serious. She gave us a prescription for antibiotics, so he's been taking those since about 2 pm on Sunday.
His fever broke around 8 last night, and we finally got him to bed.
Unfortunately for me, I came down with a fever as well yesterday. So in addition to watching a sick baby, I got to be sick myself. Joy!
I'm feeling a little bit better today, but not 100%. My fever must have broken during the night. I'm sure the Nyquil helped with that a bit. Sadly, I couldn't take the day off of work due to obligations. Trust me, I would have dearly loved to have stayed home and slept!
We're going to celebrate Mother's Day next Sunday instead.
Happy Birthday to Amber Rose who is 15 on Wednesday!
1 comment:
Are the two of you feeling any better yet? I finally feel pretty normal, except for the not so great food choices i made at the race last night. Hope you are on the mend!
Love Emily
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