I are Duncan Robert! Holla, bitches!!!
So's I was born in Novembers and I'm not so old yet. But I am the boss! No, don't try to tell me nothin' - I won't have it!

I say no, and I say no again, and I say good day! Stick that in your binky and suck it!
Aw, I's just kiddin'. I'm way cute, lookie:

Aw. I look just like my brother! That's good cuz he gets all the ladies. I have a girlfriend, her name is Miley. She so pretty! We're gonna get married when we're really old, like twenty.
So I rule da house and I run my mommy and daddy ragged. They just started putting me in my crib at night, which sucks ass becuz I want to be held all the time! Whassup with dat?!? So I wait til like 2 and then I cry and it's hilarious.
And I has a minion:

If I cry, he runs and gets me my binky. And he is helpful and tells Mommy, "Da baby's crying!" Is nice. He tries to feed me my bottle too but Mommy won't let him. He's a good minion.
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