Nobody understands me :(
So whassuuuuup my peoples? It's been a super long time since I came here and said "what up" so Mommy said I had to. I's busy playin' yo!
I've been learnin' to walk and stuff. I can take a few steps but I have to have a really good reason. I don't walk for jus' anybody, yo! I did for Grandpa cuz he's nice. And sometimes I'll do it for Mommy if she promises me something good like a bottle.
So I had fun at Halloween .. I was Yoda!

It was so cool! And then, you know, we went to some party where there was lots of peoples dressed up as goofy things. And Mommy saw these peoples and asked if I would pose with 'em:

Although I gotta admit, I take a good picture. Sexah! And check out mah shoes - are those the bomb or what? My Grandma got me those. Hollaaaaaa!
So then, right, my Aunt Emily came up to visit last weekend. I loves Aunt Emily! She's so awesome. She's cute too. Anyways, Aunt Emily took a whooooole buncha pictures of Yours Truly. Well, I guess she got some of Mommy and Daddy too - but I'm what counts here! I think she took like over 500 pictures. Mommy says that's a lot! Here are the best ones

I know, right?
I'm so fine! Aunt Emily sure does get me to take good pictures. I think it's because she's so cute.
Yay us! We're such a pretty family :)
Anyways, we took a bunch of awesome pictures, and it's a good thing I was recov- reco- I was over my pink eye because who wants to have pink eyes in your Christmas pictures, you know? I gave it to Mommy, ha ha! I'm hilarious!
We're gonna go eat lots of food next week, and it'll be yummy nummy goodness! I can't wait to see Grandma!
Everybody have a great Thanksgiving and stay safe if you's goin' on the big plane thingie!
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