Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The New Jammies, a story

Last weekend, we went to Target and bought Ian some adorable new jammies in size 9 months. Alas, gone are the days when we can just buy 3 pack for $9.99. Oh, no. Now they're $8+ each. Yay.
So tonight, after his dinner, we were cuddling in the recliner. Ian is all about the standing - it's his thing. He looooves to stand. Of course, he can't do it on his own, so he needs me to hold him up. We stand him up, and we sing the standing song while he does a little dance ("Staaaaanding .. look I'm staaaaanding yeeeeeah!")

He was being very cute (well of course, 'tis his nature!) and making his cute quacking noises that pass for laughing in his silly little brain. I asked Jon to take pictures from behind the recliner. Everything was going along swimmingly:

Then, apparently the beef and macaroni he had for lunch started to back up on him. I swear, I thought a barge was passing under the bridge outside. He got a very serious look on his face. Much concentration was had. Unfortunately, we didn't get a picture of the "I'm poopin'!" face, which was priceless. We did, however, get several pictures of the hilarity that ensued:

I'm pretty sure that by this point, I was crying, I was laughing so hard.

So off we went to change the diaper; I was hoping and praying that the jammies could be saved. Alas, 'twas not so. Avert your eyes if the sight of poo bothers you:

Yes, folks, he POOPED THE DIAPER OFF. It ran down his leg and pooled around his foot. Yes, it is (and was) quite gross. We had to take a picture. You can't appreciate the true neon yellowy-green that was the color of this poop. It should have been in a museum.

So after that, of course, here is where we ended up:

And so, after all that, he is tucked into clean jammies (unfortunately not new ones, because those were THE LAST PAIR OF NEW JAMMIES THAT WE HAD. I'm not bitter.

And that's the story of the new jammies.

Isn't it odd how 99% of my stories involve poo of some kind?

Also, on Tuesday of last week, Ian crawled for the first time. Yay? I mean, Yay!! *\o/* Right now he's doing army crawling, but it's crawling by god. He also discovered the joy that is a good stuffed animal. His current favorite is a hippo named Herbie that we bought in Vegas last year. Here he is crawling in the living room; Herbie is at the top of the pic:

And finally, here's Ian on his new scootie that we bought for him:

Unfortunately, right after I snapped the pic, he fell off and hit his head and cried. But he's ok.

Scootie is hilarious! Crawling is hilarious! Herbie is hilarious! Poo is hilarious! Everything is so hilarious! Mommy's going to go have a hilarious glass of wine now.


Samantha said...

He's just getting so big! I love it! And, I too, am already missing the days that clothes came in packages!!

eemg22477 said...

Have a glass of wine for me too!!!!