Friday, August 22, 2008
Ian - 8 months
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Ian's Poo Day
While we were waiting for the financing numbers, I took Ian into the women's restroom because I smelled poo and knew he was needing a change.
They had a Koala Kare on the wall, and I pulled it down. There was a strap for strapping him in, however the strap was bolted down on both ends (???) There was no way I could strap him on there, so I was trying to hold him.
For some reason, and this was VERY out of character for him, as those of you who know him know, he started screaming bloody murder while he was on the KK. I don't know if it was just uncomfortable with the strap underneath him, or what. He was arching his back and screaming and trying to flip over. He DID flip over, several times, smearing poo all over the KK and me.
The poo had squirted up the back of his outfit, so I had to change him totally. It was ALL OVER!! I looked in the diaper bag to get out the wipes and ... there were no wipes. The day care lady had apparently used them all and didn't mention it to me. My bad for not checking the bag before I left the house! (Lesson learned!)
Luckily, I had a couple of disposable washcloths with built-in body wash, and so I was standing over the sink, holding a screaming naked baby, washing poo off of his backside. A girl walked in, and I apologized for the smell, and she said "Oh no problem!" She went in and used the facilities, Ian screaming the whole time, and then she came out, washed her hands, and left. Uh, thanks for the assist, lady. May karma bite you on the butt someday.
I finally (barely) got a diaper onto Ian, but he was freaking out after she flushed (the noise made him scream harder) so I just took him out into the dealership to get him dressed. As soon as we were out of the bathroom, he calmed right down. I have no idea what the deal was, but I was soaked with sweat, covered in poo all over my arms, and quite annoyed that there wasn't a strap available on the dang Koala Kare!
I wound up throwing away his outfit, the rag I'd had in the diaper bag, all of the hand towels I used in the bathroom, all of it. I took the trash bag out of the bathroom with me and gave it to the receptionist to throw away. Turns out, it was the same lady who'd not helped me in the bathroom. Haha, go throw away my kid's poop!
But then I had to hand Ian over to Daddy and go wash my own hands/arms, and scrub the KK because I couldn't bear to leave it all poop smeared like it was.
I dunno what was up with that kid today. Note to all possible caregivers for Ian: he does not liketh the Koala Kare!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
The New Jammies, a story
He was being very cute (well of course, 'tis his nature!) and making his cute quacking noises that pass for laughing in his silly little brain. I asked Jon to take pictures from behind the recliner. Everything was going along swimmingly:

Then, apparently the beef and macaroni he had for lunch started to back up on him. I swear, I thought a barge was passing under the bridge outside. He got a very serious look on his face. Much concentration was had. Unfortunately, we didn't get a picture of the "I'm poopin'!" face, which was priceless. We did, however, get several pictures of the hilarity that ensued:

So off we went to change the diaper; I was hoping and praying that the jammies could be saved. Alas, 'twas not so. Avert your eyes if the sight of poo bothers you:
Yes, folks, he POOPED THE DIAPER OFF. It ran down his leg and pooled around his foot. Yes, it is (and was) quite gross. We had to take a picture. You can't appreciate the true neon yellowy-green that was the color of this poop. It should have been in a museum.
So after that, of course, here is where we ended up:
And so, after all that, he is tucked into clean jammies (unfortunately not new ones, because those were THE LAST PAIR OF NEW JAMMIES THAT WE HAD. I'm not bitter.
And that's the story of the new jammies.
Isn't it odd how 99% of my stories involve poo of some kind?
Also, on Tuesday of last week, Ian crawled for the first time. Yay? I mean, Yay!! *\o/* Right now he's doing army crawling, but it's crawling by god. He also discovered the joy that is a good stuffed animal. His current favorite is a hippo named Herbie that we bought in Vegas last year. Here he is crawling in the living room; Herbie is at the top of the pic:

And finally, here's Ian on his new scootie that we bought for him:
Unfortunately, right after I snapped the pic, he fell off and hit his head and cried. But he's ok.
Scootie is hilarious! Crawling is hilarious! Herbie is hilarious! Poo is hilarious! Everything is so hilarious! Mommy's going to go have a hilarious glass of wine now.