Sunday, December 23, 2007

No one told me there would be foam...

I think I needed to be prepared ahead of time for the foam in the diapers. I mean, poop we expected. Pee, yes. Foam? Not so much. Even the lactation consultant had no idea what the heck I was talking about. Green foam, lady! Dost thou know whereof I speak?

That was a couple of days ago. Now we've got the "curdy" poop which is only interesting to me because the word "curdy" is all kinds of awesome.

Ahh, poop. For this, I went to college.

The visit with the lactation consultant went well. He nursed well while she was there, but she said that he had lost too much weight and had to start gaining. So we scheduled a weight check at the hospital for this morning. He's gained 6 oz in 2 days, so he is doing just fine. (He's at 8 lbs 5 oz again).

We've made the decision that we're going to switch our feeding method; instead of me feeding him every time, I will pump ahead of time and that way either one of us can feed him. It also will let me get more rest (I'm pretty tired). We gave him a couple of sessions of formula today, and I was able to pump a couple of feedings ahead, so we should be all set. I also got 6 hours of sleep in a row - wow, was that full of win.

I'm a little disappointed that no one has visited us. We had some visitors in the hospital, but very few folks have called while we've been home, and no one has come by. I'm sure everyone just wants to let us get acclimated (and newborns sleeping and pooping aren't all that interesting, I will admit), but it's a little lonely. Jon and I take shifts with Ian and we sleep when we can, but most of the time it's one or the other of us awake while the other sleeps. Ian's cute as a bug, but he's not much of a conversationalist (although I am fully convinced that he is composing the next Great American Novel in his head, as we speak).

I know it's the holidays - I'm just a whiner :) Everyone's out of town or doing holiday-ish things. It's just hard when you're watching Star Trek at 2 am and bored silly - and why didn't I ever notice that Captain Kirk's hair is all sorts of stupid?

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