Well, you can't see it all that well. It's right there in the middle. (And yes, the bib is apropos, as well.)
Ian wants to add that he likes kiwifruit.
So today we had the Blowout of All That Is Evil and Unholy. Apparently it occurred in the carseat, and we somehow didn't get a whiff. I don't know why not - I think the part of our brains that uses rational thought has been taking a siesta for about, oh, 32 weeks. We brought him in from our shopping trip and I put him in the pack and play. After a short while, he whined to be picked up, so I brought him to me on the recliner. At that point I caught a smelly tendril of the cheesy Evil Blowout. You think I'm kidding about the "cheesy" part - it seriously smelt like swiss cheese. Sorry, but there it is.
Onward we went to the changing table, where I discovered that the Blowout of Armageddon had gone up the back of his outfit (sadly, I fear the Baby Bronto onesie is no more, moment of silence please). So we had to take a bath as well.
And to end the story... somehow, Ian managed to get the poopie about halfway up on the mesh side of the pack and play, but not the mat on the bottom that he was laying on. Explain that one to me, people.