Someone suggested that I should write a story from the perspective of my cats. I think that someone is a glutton for punishment, but here goes...
Today we're discussing the Brain of Boo. This would be she:
Isn't she cute :)
Boo's original "vet name" is Rogue, because of the black-and-white face. But as I always do with my cats, I started calling her Boo, and it stuck like glue. She's also known as BooBear, which I think is rather dignified, don't you?
So the annoying thing about Boo is that she doesn't eat food. She eats treats. If you put food in her bowl, she will sniff it condescendingly and then look at you like, "WE will not be eating this today, take it away slave!" and walk away. Note the use of the royal "we." And yet it never stopped her from checking the bowl just for curiosity's sake, to see what we'd put in there. She knew she wasn't going to eat it; she just had to check it out, though. That's a cat. Dog owners are missing out.
No, Boo likes her treats. Funny story about the treats. She used to eat these Purina brand treats in a purple bottle. They were shaped like little fishies and smelled foul. She loved them, ate them like candy. She'd sit on the coffee table and lean forward, all four pawsful of toes lined up on the edge, staring at Jon until he gave her a treat. I think he held out for 17 minutes once, but that was it. Every now and then she'd blink.
And then one day we ran out of the Boo treats. Oh, the horror! I think she lost 3 pounds in a week. For a 10 pound cat, that's serious. We'd walk through the living room, past her emaciated (not really) frame lying akimbo on the floor, and her soulful hollow eyes would follow us as if to say, how can you do this to me, you horrible, horrible people. It was very stressful.
I hauled my pregnant butt all over town for a new bottle of treats. Apparently, Purina in their infinite wisdom decided to refurbish the treat recipe. It was now in a blue bottle, and it was no longer princess-worthy. She wouldn't touch it.
I took to the interwebs to find my princess some treats. My first stop was Petsmart online. Huzzah, they had the treats in the purple bottle! I ordered a case - I was not going to run out ever again, by all that is holy! The case of treats arrived, but - horrors! - they had sent the blue bottled treats. Apparently, Purina (again, being infinitely wise) had changed the recipe somehow so that Boo wouldn't touch the treats, but they were using the same product code and SKU.
We returned the treats forthwith - for shame, Petsmart!
I then googled the things, and found an entry at another pet food website for the treats in the purple bottle. No more fool I, I called the customer service line and asked them, "Is the picture correct, are these the treats in the purple bottle?" The wise customer service person smartly said, "Yes, I see that there is a picture and the bottle is, indeed, purple." Stellar! I ordered a case.
You see where this is going, don't you?
The case of treats arrived and the bottles were blue. By the gods, people, DO YOU NOT KNOW?!?!? My cat, she starves! The eyes looked up at me: why, mommy, why? I cried.
But then, Jon and I had an epiphany. She doesn't care about the color of the bottle! No, our cat is much more intelligent than she looks! She wants FISH SHAPED TREATS!
Luckily for us, for she was about to perish, or so she said every five minutes or so, Pounce makes a fish-shaped treat. So, after two orders and returns of nasty foul blue-bottled cases of treats, we finally found a treat that Boo will abide. The crisis was finally averted and our little kitty lives.
Then there is the matter of cuddlez. Cuddlez are to occur every evening at 9:27 pm and are to last for exactly 4 minutes and 58 seconds, no more and no less. You think I'm joking. And they will only take place on the fuzzy (fleece blanket) in the bedroom that lays upon the bed. I must - MUST! - get into bed and pull up the fuzzy, and she will then - and only then - deign to sit with me for cuddlez. I shall not grab her or restrain her in any way.
Such is a cat. Dog owners, eat your hearts out!